Design transit with purpose.
Align your transit services with the people who rely on you most. From well-defined routes and services to accessible bus stops and transit priority corridors, we take a comprehensive, collaborative, and creative approach. With support from the largest transit team in the industry, enhance your capacity to do more for your riders. Let's create a plan that gets your community on board.
Get people back on board with a plan that puts riders first.
Four weeks after implementation, ridership was up 18% without any increase in cost or operator hours.

Clear the way for the people who rely on you most.
Bus delay is solvable. Understand where delays have the biggest impact and see what you can do to give people more time where they want to be and less time in traffic.

Implementing transit priority takes cooperation. Get a local guide.
We develop toolkits that combine national best practices with local planning context for guidance that you can use—from engagement to diagnosing delay and selecting, implementing, and evaluating bus priority treatments. We’ll help you make the case for bus priority.

See what we can do for your community.

We approach transit planning and design with a simple guiding principle: put riders first.
- Bus Network Redesigns and COAs
- Corridor Planning and Design,
Alternatives Analysis, Decision Frameworks - Short-Range Transit Plans
and Transit Development Plans - Long-Range Transit Plans and Transit Master Plans
- Paratransit and Human Service Transportation Studies
- Transit/Microtransit Feasibility
- Capital Facility/Infrastructure
- Governance and Funding Plans
- Scheduling
- HCT Visioning, Planning, and Network Studies
- Station Access, First/Last-Mile, and Mobility Hubs
- FTA CIG Process/Support
- Equitable TOD Planning, District Mobility
- STOPS Ridership Modeling
- Implementation Support
- Speed and Reliability Analysis, Diagnosis, and Design
- Equity Frameworks and Analyses
- GIS and Analytic Dashboards/Tools
What our clients have to say
“I wanted to let you know that the updated Strategic Plan, Service Guidelines, and Metro Connects were adopted unanimously by the King County Council. Shaped by your excellent work on the Mobility Framework, these plans are better aligned with our values and community direction. We would not be here without Nelson\Nygaard—it’s been a pleasure working with this amazing team!”
Meet our transportation trailblazers
Talk To Us About Your Project.
Let’s exchange ideas about transportation in your community.