Reimagine SamTrans
Four weeks after implementation, ridership was up 18% without any increase in cost or operator hours.
Reimagine SamTrans is comprehensive operational analysis of the entire system. The goals are to evaluate the performance of the existing bus network, conduct a robust market analysis and an internal and external stakeholder engagement process, and develop a series of alternatives for a future reimagined SamTrans bus network. After a preferred alternative has been developed, Nelson\Nygaard will assist SamTrans in developing an operations and implementation plan.
Reimagine SamTrans has focused on specific operations challenges as well. The El Camino Real corridor, one of SamTrans highest ridership lines, was examined to address the efficiency and effectiveness of the limited stop service, reliability, and passenger loading issues.
Nelson\Nygaard conducted a high-level assessment of existing scheduling practices. Recommendations were made on layover practices, operator breaks, split shifts, standby operator and rostering practices, as well as spread time.
A key component of Reimagine SamTrans is integrating the upgraded Caltrain services into the overall mobility network. Questions still needing to be addressed include the role of SamTrans to feed into or distribute Caltrain passengers, the level of commuter services needed into San Francisco on parallel routes, and the appropriate levels of service for parallel local bus service.

A robust public outreach process has been conducted with specific outreach to communities of concern to understand potential needs prior to any recommendation being made. We utilized a local public involvement SBE with a total budget of $191,000, or about 19.5% SBE participation. Through the course of the project, we shifted budget from Nelson\Nygaard to our SBE to better respond to our client’s needs.
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