
Julian Bautista Rojas, PMP

Austin Office Lead
Julian is passionate about planning for a more connected world, one transit line at a time.

With more than ten years of experience in planning, designing, and implementing transit projects, Julian brings a wealth of innovative project management tools to Nelson\Nygaard. He has experience evaluating transit systems, implementing bus rapid transit projects, leading cross-functional teams, working with cities to plan and implement transit priority projects, and delivering community engagement efforts. Through his civic-grounded planning approach, Julian helps cities achieve their transit needs and improve their mobility options. 

Previously, Julian served as an acting director in the Operations Planning Department at the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority, where he managed several bus service design projects, including implementing MTA Bus Company’s first Select Bus Service lines, which provide faster, more reliable service to more than 30,000 customers a day. Julian also managed the Queens Bus Network Redesign, establishing a framework to improve inter- and intra-borough connections while increasing frequencies to create an all-day frequent network for the residents of Queens.


M.E., Civil Engineering (Transportation), The City College of New York

B.S., Civil Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia