San Francisco

Dana Matlaw

Senior Associate
Dana is a leader in equity-based TDM and parking management.

An advocate of consensus planning, Dana recognizes the importance of engaging with a diverse group of stakeholders to improve places based on the perspectives and insights of many voices. Her background in regional, environmental, and policy continues to inform her work in transportation planning. Dana is a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) and engagement specialist. Over the last several years, she has focused on creating equity-centered TDM plans and programs for commercial and residential developments. Dana's work also includes several countywide programmatic efforts to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips and promote free and universal youth-based mobility. Before Nelson\Nygaard, Dana worked at the Oakland Department of Transportation, supporting grant and funding efforts and reforms related to parking and car share.


M.A., City and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley

B.A., Environmental Studies and Geography, Mount Holyoke College