
Brendan Rahman

Associate Principal
Brendan connects the dots between planning and design.

For 10 years Brendan has used planning and design to make communities healthier, safer, and more resilient. He works on projects involving transit, walking, biking, curb management, commute strategies, and integrating transportation options.

Brendan specializes in transforming technical information into clear, jargon-free communication. He designs both internal and public-facing materials for a wide range of audiences—from community members and key stakeholders to practitioners and elected officials. His work includes infographics, maps, community engagement activities, summary documents, websites, and guides. In addition to visual communication, Brendan is proficient at data analysis, geographic information systems, and project management.

Prior to Nelson\Nygaard, Brendan worked on a variety of projects in Canada and abroad, focusing on walkability, public health, transit-oriented development, and data literacy.


M.U.P., McGill University, Montreal

B.A., Economics and Geography, McGill University, Montreal