Anna Geannopoulos
Ideas from Anna Geannopoulos

Anna Geannopoulos

Senior Associate
Anna strives to help people move through life with dignity and joy.

A multi-disciplinary planner, Anna was drawn totransportation planning because of how it shapes the way we live and interactwith our communities. Anna enjoys bringing smart people together to solveproblems. She has used scenario planning to help city, state, and municipallong range transportation plans be more resilient and flexible; examinedregional transit networks to enhance service; helped transit agencies focus onimproving customer experience; explored changing travel patterns; and supportedefforts and research to decarbonize the transportation sector.

Anna started her career as a writer, and she bringscuriosity, storytelling, and a human-centered approach to all the work shedoes. She uses this expertise to translate technical information into somethingmeaningful for agencies and the people they serve. A nimble and adaptiveplanner, her experience with many aspects and scales of transportation planningallows her to bring a multi-layered and practical approach to projects.


M.U.R.P., Transportation Policy and Planning, University of California Los Angeles