Ventura Active Transportation Plan wins APA Award of Excellence

Ventura Active Transportation Plan wins APA Award of Excellence

Ventura, CA

APA Central Coast Chapter awards Ventura Active Transportation Plan with Award of Excellence in Transportation Planning Category

On April 14, our work on the Ventura Active Transportation Plan was recognized with an Award of Excellence by California Chapter, Central Coast Section, of the American Planning Association. The award is the highest in its category (transportation planning). In the last decade, the City of Ventura has advanced many projects to create a network of great walking and bicycling streets. Caltrans awarded the City funding to complete an active transportation plan to reaffirm this work that has been completed and to clarify how the popular projects both connect to a greater transportation system and equitably serve residents citywide.

The plan updates the 2011 Bicycle Master Plan, including identifying an all ages and abilities (AAA) network and developing a citywide pedestrian priority network. Our team recommended and prioritized projects, programs, and policies based on their relationship to these networks and on their potential to achieve the vision that “Ventura will build community and maintain its small-town feel by becoming a great place for all people to walk, bike, or take transit.” The final plan is a community-supported framework for future investments that the City can use to seek funding and set Ventura on a course to improve its Bicycle Friendly Community designation.

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