Destination UMED TDM Plan
Destination UMED is a study to develop a phased and actionable toolkit for district stakeholders to improve travel to, from, and within the University Medical District.
As home to some of the biggest institutions in Anchorage, UMED provides a robust mix of employment, medical, housing, education, retail, and recreational opportunities. The UMED District is Alaska’s second largest employment center. Its role in Anchorage and the region’s economic and social fabric is significant, and how it grows and develops over time will impact the lives of tens of thousands of people who call UMED their workplace, place of education, backyard, and home.
Destination UMED is a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) study that recommends projects, policies, and programs to reduce traffic congestion, improve mobility choices, enhance equitable access to district destinations, and support the next decade of UMED growth and economic development. It includes a phased and actionable toolkit for district stakeholders to improve travel to, from, and within the University Medical District, or UMED.
TDM goes beyond reducing congestion. UMED is positioned to realize many of the benefits that come along with TDM implementation.

The study is led by the Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS) in collaboration with district stakeholders and a project advisory committee, representing a cross-section of UMED stakeholders to provide guidance and input throughout the study. Throughout Destination UMED the project team analyzed transportation data, conducted stakeholder interviews, and made several site visits to understand the existing state of the transportation system in UMED. A Destination UMED Travel Survey in October 2022 complemented this work. The survey allowed for a more detailed assessment of preferences among different user groups within UMED, including what types of transportation investments people would like to see in the future. The State of the System and Travel Survey Analysis provide comprehensive documentation of these project components.
Destination UMED recommends a Toolkit of 23 strategies to improve travel to, from, and within UMED, and immediate progress on Destination UMED is within reach. View the plan linked below to see the suite of potential “quick wins” AMATS, MOA, and UMED stakeholders should prioritize to advance implementation in the upcoming years.
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